PlantUML Dependency

Open-Source tool in Java to parse source code to automatically draw UML class Diagram using PlantUML

PlantUML Dependency performances

PlantUML Dependency 1.1.0 and 1.2.0 have been tested on 3 open source projects, Apache tomcat 7.0.42, Eclipse 4.2.2 and JDK in order to analyse their performances.

Here are the results on the following configuration :

Project Program options Number of processed files PlantUML Dependency 1.1.0 average time (s) PlantUML Dependency 1.2.0 average time (s) PlantUML Dependency 1.1.0 used memory (Mo) PlantUML Dependency 1.2.0 used memory (Mo)
Apache tomcat 7.0.42 -e **/ -v 1257 15.98 19.30 4.32 7.02
Eclipse 4.2.2 -e **/ -v 5583 215 243 49.19 59.08
JDK -e **/ -v 7406 80 103 11.54 19.46
Apache tomcat 7.0.42 -e **/ 1257 3 6 5.82 8.88
Eclipse 4.2.2 -e **/ 5583 43 51 33.04 38.76
JDK -e **/ 7406 11 30 24.46 28.81
Note that memory usages are not reliable, it is just to give an idea.

You may also have a look about output differences between used JRE for running PlantUML Dependency here

You may also have a look about output differences between all PlantUML Dependency versions here

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